Are you interested in boosting your business revenue? Do you have a business idea but you don’t know how to turn it into money? Do you want to learn what it takes to start and build a successful business from scratch? Do you want to learn the inside secret to building a successful business online starting with little or no money?

Do you have a blog but you don’t know how to generate traffic and make money from it? Do you need strategic business advice on how to kick start a business with limited resources? If I decide to give you an hour to ask me any question you want and pick my brains, will you grab this offer with both hands?

 If your answer to any of the questions above is yes, then take a deep breathe and read on because your life and financial status is about to change. Now for those stumbling on this blog for the first time and probably don’t know who I am, I will briefly introduce myself to you.

I am Rutherford Chidi, i base in the ancient city of Benin. I have an audacious goal to revolutionize the business world. When you join my moving train, then you are literally going to change your life.

Without mincing words, I am here to do one thing for you; to add value to your life and business. If you are an online entrepreneur or you run a brick and mortar offline business, If you are an aspiring entrepreneur or you are simply looking for a business or investment to put your money in, then I  am the right person you need to talk to.
“To spend one hour learning from a wise man is worth more than ten years of studying books.– Chinese Proverbs

If You are an Aspiring Entrepreneur, then…………

  • I will fire up your spirit and help you discover your potentials. I discovered my potential few years ago; then i drop out of school after my first year to pursue my passion of building a business. Looking back over the years, I want to state clearly that i have no cause for regret; it really pays to stick with your passion, or something you love. I can help you find your passion and uncover your hidden potential.
  • I will teach you how to create your own business ideas out of thin air…..or if you think creating an idea takes too much work; then i will help you open your eyes so you can see business opportunities around you that other miss.
  • I will teach you how to turn your passion, hobby, skill or talent into a business opportunity and make money from it; whether online or offline.
  • I will give your start up business an advantage. My mentor once told me that a successful business is created before there is a business. What my mentor was trying to say is that the success or failure of a business starts before even the business is launched. I will guide you through the research phase, planning phase and launching phase of your business.
  • If you are a Business Owner, then………………..

  • I will help you chart a way forward for your business.
  • I will share with you strategies and tactics I have learned and applied over the years. These strategies and tactics have made me successful and they will surely help increase your profits, get you new customers or clients and give your business an advantage over your competitors. You tell me what you want; and I deliver. It’s as simple as that.
  • I will advice, guide and help you increase your brand awareness and gain maximum publicity by taking your business online.
  • Most importantly, i will help you turn your “One-Man” business into a organized corporate business that can run without your presence.
  • If you want to learn how to start an online business and make money online, then……………….

  • I will teach you everything i know about how to make money online by blogging. This is my core online expertise.
  • I will help you uncover a high paying niche and give you a strategic approach that will almost guarantee success.
  • I will guide you towards the process of creating your own information product and building a business out of it.
  • I will help you generate tons of traffic; not junk traffic but high quality and targeted traffic that will be willing to buy your products.
  • And if you own a dead blog, I will revive and turn that blog into a profit generating machine.

    Now How Do You Get to Reap All These Benefits from Me?

    Well, like I said earlier; I am now making myself readily available for those that want to discuss their business problems with me or learn from me. And I want to do it on a personal note. Meaning……..

     No Distraction or Attending to Multiple People…………… It is going to be just Me and You; discussing one-on-one.

    But unfortunately, this consultancy service is strictly open to Nigerians. But if you are non-resident in Nigeria and you believe I can add value to your life and business, then hit me a message through the contact form below and i can make a special reservation for you.
    Now for Nigerians and those residing in Nigeria, you are free to hook up with me anytime any day BUT…………… THERE IS DEFINITELY GOING TO BE A CHARGE.


  • I am a core believer in paying for value added services. I believe in value for money. If something is going to positively benefit you, then you should be willing and happy to pay for it. Just as you happily pay to watch a movie in a cinema, pay for access to clubs, etc; You should also be happy to pay to acquire a tested and proven system or methodology. Quality information comes at a cost.
  • Due to the nature of my job as an entrepreneur, and the tons of publicity I get from the blogs I own. It has become obvious that I can’t keep up with every appointment and respond qualitatively to every email that comes in. So if you know your onions and you are serious about tapping from my wealth of knowledge, then you should be willing to pay to gain advantage over the hundreds of others seeking my attention for free.
  • Paying me for my advice and services brings out the best in me because it motivates me to over deliver.
  • Lastly, putting up a monetary barrier will help me separate the less serious individuals and cynics from the motivated ones; who are willing to learn and act. Remember, action takers and winners are always few; so I need to weed out the chaff and concentrate my effort on those who will replicate and act on the knowledge acquired.

Are you still interested in learning from me one-on one? Then here is how to hook up with me:

  • Face to Face Consultations     – N10,000 for one day

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